Stolt Brand Concept

Streetwear brand concept and design for Stolt





kain rentangStolt Brand Concept

Stolt | Streetwear Brand Concept

Stolt is a brand that explores the power of streetwear with heavy influence on Y2K concept

To simplified this case study, this project was consist of few points.

Designing a visual identity from the ground up that represents the brand with Y2K theme

Designing the brand's colors, style, identity, trademark pattern and logomark


Conceptual Artist


Research & Development: 2 Weeks

This project was aimed to make a concept for Stolt brand

The main concept influence was from Y2K/Retro

Thus the project was prototyped with various styles from grunge to semi modern style to suit the current theme of Y2K

From there, we start branching out and making the design for the brand

Then we decided to embrace multiples style to create the final design while maintaining the Y2K theme

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Did you know our website looks marvelous in desktop!